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This page serves as an index to locate the dogs featured on the following linked pages. We have segmented these ancestral dogs into decades starting with 1920.  Active links to these pages are below.  Each dog shown will have parents and grandparents (where known) listed first. Secondly, their children, along with specially selected progeny from three to seven generations removed are listed. The purpose in this special selection of progeny is to illustrate the influence a particular dog can have on
various bloodlines of this century. The dogs depicted and progeny shown are specific to the pedigrees of our present day dogs. We hope you enjoy this journey back in time.
1920-1929    1930-1939    1940-1949
1950-1959    1960-1969    1970-1979
1980-1989    1990-1999
 Below find a list of dogs depicted on the page crafted for their appropriate decade. Use your browser "back" button to return to this page or use the link at the bottom of each page to get to the next page. To find a particular dog's picture, click on the alphabetical index below to find the name of the dog of your choice.
Abigail Davis of Tallbrook Ch   
Abner Lowell Davis Ch   
Airways Cyrus of Danelagh   
Alamos de Oro Sunkist Maya Ch   
Aquinos Little Dooze Coupe SDS Ch  
Aquinos Mischievous of Tycho  
Ashbun Acres Avalanche Ch   
Ashbun Acres Avant Garde Ch   
Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa Ch   
Astor v Hurkules   
Astrid of Danelagh Ch   
Astrid's Bodo Ch   
Athena of Dane Oaks   
Barrister's Don Juan   
Bart Spanish of Bella Dane Ch   
Beaudane's Caesar Ch    
Beaudane's Crown Jewel   
Beaudane's Hedy of Mountdania Ch   
Beauty of Mountdania Ch   
Big Kim of Belladane Ch   
Bodane Sophisticated Lady   
Bodane Tourister Ch    
Bolo's Magnificent Ch   
Bonneville Catch A Wave Ch    
Bonneville Lexington   
Bosko vd Saalburg Ch  
Brandelyn's Miss Pebbles Ch   
Brandt's Barrister of Dane Oaks Ch   
Brenda of Brae Tarn Ch   
Brenda of Marydane Ch   
Brenda Von Overcup Ch   
Brier's Duesenberg v. Hauer Ch   
Brooksides Betsy Kona   
Ch. Caesar's Lorelei von Overcup 
Cameo's Lilabet of Jason  
Capraja v Birkenhof Ch   
Castile's Carousel Ch   
Castile's Gent of Mountdania Ch   
Chasnell Moro v Ralmar Ch   
Chasnell Sheik of Highfield Ch   
Cheerie Cathy of Marydane   
Cherokee of Dane Oaks Ch   
Colonel Ace of Guerin Ch   
Czardas v Eppelsprung Ch   
Dana's Joy of San-Sue CD Ch   
Dana's Zeus of Quindane Ch 
Danelagh's Fionne Ch    
Danelagh's Ingrid   
Danelagh's Jaeger Ch   
Daneridge Caliban Ch   
Deacon's Golden Fury v. Geordon Ch   
Devrok's Zartanian v Sheboane Ch   
Dinro Aelric Ch   
Dinro Aslan Ch   
Dinro Miss Mischief   
Dinro Monarch Ch   
Dinro Taboo Again Ch   
Dinro Taboo Ch   
Dinro Verity   
Dinro Lollipop 
Dixie's A Piper of Duntrune 
Dolf vd Saalburg    
Dundanes Baccarat v Brookside Ch   
Dundanes Whistles at Sharcon Ch   
Eagle Valley Fireaway Ch   
Escapades Bad Habit v Sarjack Ch   
Estid Zeus Ch   
Fauna Moguntia   
Freyja's Firefly CD   
Gemdanes Terri's Lady Megan Ch   
Gerhardt of Marydane Ch   
Gilbert's Jersey Betsy   
Golden Girl Von Riesenhof Ch 
Great Caesar's Ghost v Raseac   
Greenwood's Zip of Mountdania Ch   
Gregory of Kent   
Grenadilla's Bit o' Tallbrook Ch   
Gretchens Kahn of Mountdania Ch   
Guerins Cameo of Brookdane   
Guerin's Heller of Brookdane Ch   
Gwenerics Dawns Early Light Ch  
Gypsy Hill's Cedar of Nuttree Ch  
Hansel Von Riesenhof Ch   
Harmony Hill Dream Girl Ch   
Harmony Hill Fortissimo Ch  
Harmony Hill Sherwood Joker Ch 
Harmony Hill Xmas Lyon's Pride Ch   
Heathers Hrothgar Ch   
Heidere's Devil-D of Marydane Ch   
Heidere's Kolyer Kimbayh Ch   
Heidere's Alexi Ch   
Heidi of Brae Tarn Ch   
Helios Hexengold Ch   
Highfield's Brina Ch   
Highfield's Buchanan Ch   
Honey Hollow Great Dion Ch  
Honey Hollow Stormi Rudio Ch   
J & B's Mountdania Melody Ch   
J & B's One for the Money Ch   
Jamara Squire of Bonneville Ch   
Jansen of Brae Tarn Ch   
Jecamo's Caesar of AAA Ch   
Jecamo's Lucy Ann CD Ch   
Jeffrey McDavis Ch   
Jonathie's Rosewood Valadora 
Justamere Lovett Ch  
Jupiter's Golden Juno Ch   
Kelsey's Annie Laurie Ch  
Kent's Brandt of Northcliff Ch  
Kismet's Gentleman Jim Ch 
Kismet's Leo Domingo v Sera Ch 
Knajar's Flying Dutchman Ch  
Knapps Scherazade Ch  
Kolyer's Hank of Holland Brook Ch  
Kolyer's Heidere's Heidee Ch  
Kolyer's Kissin Kurt Ch  
Kolyer's Stop the World Ch  
Kready's Chicki  
Krishapardanes Russian Roulette Ch  
Krisha's Midori v. Pardane  
Lamb's Creek Andrew the Great Ch  
Lanes Turn Asgard Ch  
Lanes Turn Gunnar Ch  
Larica's Ernesto Ch  
Larlyn's Que Sera of Tivoli  
Larlyn's Shiraz of Tivoli  
Lillard's Deacon of Vizier Ch  
Linda (Gruber)  
Lor-Mar's Donna of Lillard Ch  
Lucky Adolph of Marydane Ch  
Micah of Viking Ch  
Mirando's Kima De Juan  
Mirando's Match Point Mandy  
Mirando's Zam De Juan  
Miss Erikke von Riesenhof Ch  
Misty Valley Andromeda Ch  
Molla of Roxdane Ch  
Mountdania's Ashley Ch 
Mountdania's Dana Ch  
Mountdania's Dew Drop Ch  
Mountdania's Glamour Girl Ch  
Mountdania's Heather Ch  
Mountdania's Jaunty Jed Ch  
Mountdania's Maestro 
Mt. Dania's Gabriella Del Lago Ch  
Mt. Dania's Prancer Del Lago  
Mountdania's Timber Ch  
Mountdania's Yancey Ch  
Mountdania's Yvette Ch  
Mr. Pacific of Marydane Ch  
Murlo Alyssa  
Murlo Jezabelle Ch  
Murlo Oliver Ch  
Murlo Sybil of Sandale  
Murlo Caesar of Stonehouse Ch  
Murlo Thundera Ch  
Nandanes Gypsy of WayMar Ch  
Nandanes Tamanaco Ch 
Nero Hexengold Ch 
Noira Sherri 
Nuttree's Aspen Colorado 
Nuttree's Capricorn Ch 
Nuttree's Cypress  
Nuttee's Donner Ch 
Nuttree's Lightning 
Nuttree's Morning Glory 
Nuttree's Poplar 
Nuttree's Saint Patrick 
Nuttree's Shamrock Ch 
Nuttree's Storm Ch  
Nuttree's Sweet Brier 
Nuttree's Vienna 
Nuttree's Virginia Snowball Ch 
Nuttree's Vixen Ch 
Ola of Daynemouth Ch  
O'Lorcains Townleigh v Hauer  
Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes Ch  
Paethan of Mountdania Ch  
Pardanes Krisha v Meris  
Peer Gynt's Erl Kin Ch   
Pierre of Lyondane Ch  
Piper's Ragalia v Earl Mar   
Quia v Loheland Ch  
Randolf Hexengold of Brae Tarn Ch  
Reann's Barefoot Contessa Ch  
Reann's French Aristocrat Ch  
Regal Corbett Ch  
Regene Belle Enfante Taureau Ch  
Regene Brigadoon of Jonathie Ch  
Regene Dutchman's Pandora Ch  
Reggens Marcus of Marydane Ch  
Rockbridge's Texas Lady  
Rojon's the Hustler Ch  
Rosewood Valadore v Jonathie Ch  
Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill Ch  
Sandale's I Kid You Not Ch  
Sandale's What A Guy Ch    
Sarjack's Aint Whistlin Dixie Ch  
Sarjack-Dixie Bless Your Heart 
Senta Ch  
Senta's Astrid Ch  
Sham's Sacerdotes Ch  
Shannon's Tycho Brahe Ch  
Sharcon's Dana von Diller 
Sheenwater Ace in the Hole Ch  
Sheenwater Capital Gains  
Sheenwater Gamble on me Ch  
Sheenwater Georgia Pacific Ch  
Sheenwater Heat Wave Ch  
Sheenwater Jokers Wild Ch  
Sheenwater Je Taime Ch  
Sheenwater Jurisprudence Ch  
Sheenwater Knock Out Ch  
Sheenwater Phoenix Ch  
Sheenwater X-clamation  
Sheridane Apricot Brandi Ch  
Somwin's Dr. Caro v. Mountdania Ch  
Squirerun Meadoview Ada Ch  
Steinbacher's King Ch 
Stone Rivers Delta Dawn Ch  
Sunridge's Chief Justice Ch  
Sunridge's Lil Liza Jane Ch  
Sunridge's Ragtime Cowboy Joe Ch  
Taboo Von Riesenhof Ch  
Tallbrook Farm's Taly Overcup Ch  
Tallbrook's Bit O Honey Ch   
Tallbrook's Dapper Dane Ch   
TD's Sir Lancelot Ch  
Teddington's Pseudonym Ch   
Temple Dell's Prince Igor Ch   
Terregan's Juss One Gal Ch 
Terregan's Magic Show Ch  
The Duke of Roxdane Ch    
Thendera Henriette Keppen Ch   
Treseda's Siegfried of Iams Ch   
Troy's Wendy of Hearthhill Ch 
Turkadana Ben Ben Ch   
Tyras v Ralmar Ch    
Von Raseac's Quite A Gal Ch   
Von Raseac's Quintessence Ch   
Von Raseac's Tybo O'Lorcain Ch   
Von Raseac's West Wind Ch   
Von Riesenhof Brandi Bee Ch   
Von Riesenhof Go Josie Go Ch   
Von Riesenhof The Bandit Bee   
Von Riesenhof The Boss Ch   
Von Shrado's Bit of Grenadilla Ch   
Von Shrado's Bit of Sunshine Ch   
Von Shrado's Easter Bonnet Ch   
Von Shrado's I'm A Knock Out Ch 
Von Shrado's I'm A Macho Man Ch  
Von Shrado's Serenade Ch  
Von Shrado's Solitaire Ch   
Willow Lakes Crackerjack Ch  
Willow Lakes Strikly Top Shelf Ch 
Windane's April Storm Ch   
Windane's Zepher Ch   
Xerxes of Twin Cedars Ch   
Zisko Kadow   
Zelia Von Loheland 
ZZ Top's Lady Em v Jamara